Wednesday, March 25, 2020

They said

For all of those who follow me on EStaloteSAssets, Twitter or LinkedIn, what is happening in the financial markets has not surprised them at all. I was very skeptical to many managers, institutions and of course catastrophic policies that today still go on. Many criticized me for the skepticism, but in the end, as usual, history and time have justified my comments with solid facts.

A recession is almost inevitable, this means hard times and unfortunately as I said in previous articles, populism will stay for a while. Many people will still support these damaging “policies” due to desperation, but we should not fall into their game, we must keep it cool. It is very difficult to anticipate a recession because statistical data always tends to be late.

Now is not the  time to panic. It is the best time to invest your savings as well as to do business. Remember that the great fortunes are built on these scenarios, so keep fighting. Some corporate bankruptcies will be due to financial excesses and bad management (there are also fraudulent cases very difficult to detect). As I warned you before, and I will do it one more time, I did bet AGAINST the market but I DO NOT advise you to do it at these levels because world leaders are going to meet in order to "solve this crisis". With the help of central banks, they will try to pull their shit together and put their differences aside (hopefully).

Every crisis is the same, and this time the trigger was a pandemic, so let me be clear if you did not bet against the market 4 months ago, please do not do it now that the world powers are working together, that would be stupid, so move on. This market will recover at these prices because right now there are so many great shares at great value. I think many of you are very pesimistic right now, but now it is time to be optimistic. I am happy that I got it right with my predictions about the market but I am not happy with what is going to happen in the coming months, because the market will recover slowly, but many people are going to suffer from the incompetence of certain people.

Be careful with “fake investors”, people dedicated mainly to scam other people providing investment courses. There are also funds that use Value Investing as a marketing tool to attract clients. I will not give names, you can play detective yourself and investigate them. One of the first things that you have to do now is to silence on your phone those wonderful analysts who have recommended you to buy that stock and bond… yes, you know who I am talking about, don’t fool yourself (we all make mistakes, but some make the same mistake systematically). Avoid the analysts who told you that the market was and is living a simple correction (even when Standard and Poor's 500 was at 3,300 points and a price earnings ratio above 26), avoid them because they said “just a correction” they continued “buy the dip” without any good explanation. You must block them, NOT because of that, but because they will mostly distract you when you need to be focused and the right time comes. Many of them now say "time to get out of the market". Do not do it now! Why are they going to be right this time? Now is the time to BUY, so stay focused!

It is worth to remember that bear markets do not last too long and that bull markets are not forever. Forget the excuses like "there is nowhere to invest in a bear market". It is very easy to invest when things look good, but now that things are not looking so good many “investors”, who earned money on the stock market without having studied a single stock (bonds, commodities, CFDs etc) previously, now realize that investing is not like playing Russian roulette. God bless the economic cycles, which do not stop teaching us important lessons that will later be forgotten again by millions of people. Allow me to repeat myself, patience is necessary and the market rewards it.

Timing is one of the most important things when investing, as well as patience, determination and analytical skills. As investors we must remember, stocks that are cheap today may end up being overvalued in the future, just like the stocks that are expensive now can become undervalued later. For example, four industries that have not performed particularly well in recent years and have depreciated; automotive sector (which I warned in early 2018), mining sector, airlines and energy are now much more attractive and a good opportunity to invest long-term (as long as you know how to choose companies with good fundamentals). But as always, this is NOT buying advice, it is just my opinion and what I do with my savings, which by the way, I have done very well until now, as people who have followed me for years can see.

Many of you also tell me that you do not have the time to analyze companies or investigate funds, I would suggest an ETF or a fund index focused for example in the  S&P500 (Differences between ETF & Fund Index ), Fidelity, Vanguard and Amundi are pretty good (really nice prices). For more information you can visit their official pages, but there is a wide range to choose from. The stock market is one of the best choices to optimize long-term savings, as long as you do NOT need that money in the near future. I believe that the stock market is a better choice than the bond market (unless you are a very good bond trader specialized in companies in complicated situations and in risk of default), but it is just an example and there are many more.

For a real value investor there is nothing more beautiful than these discounts all over the stock market and finding more and more pearls that will provide us with very interesting returns. I have no words to describe this feeling.

I will not talk about debt and central banks balance sheets because I am just tired of it and you all know my point of view. I will not be sharing any more articles publically for a while (I will do only private work), but if you want to contact me you know how to do it. Good luck!

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